Gummies, elixirs and even lipsticks with CBD
Harvard Medical School professor Peter Grinspoon is one of the nation's top medical marijuana experts. He works in a clinic and also at Massachusetts General Hospital, so his schedule is very tight. He calls me on the phone on a Sunday morning at 9 in the morning, but when I pick up the phone, he tells me to call him in 10 minutes. "I haven't had my first coffee yet and without coffee there is no brain," he says. I like it, I have not drunk the healthy infusion either, so I accompany him to the other end of the line.
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"The first thing you need to know - he says, after coffee - is that within the cannabis plant family we find marijuana and hemp. Cannabis plants have more than 100 active components (cannabinoids). The most important is the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is what most people know because it is the substance that gets you high. The second most important compound is CBD, which unlike THC, neither highs nor causes addiction, "explains Grinspoon. But he warns: "The issue of marijuana has never been included at the center of the health debate. It has always been a political issue, racism and other conflicts of interest. It is not a dangerous medication!"
Gummies, elixirs and even lipsticks with CBD
Mike is a 35-year-old Nevada resident known for being an animal lover. She has been taking CBD since 2017. "I have excruciating pain in my joints all over my body. I take oil daily and it has helped reduce the feeling from a 6 or 7 out of 10 to a 2, which is more than manageable. Sometimes. I don't even notice it… I don't know if it's the cure but it has definitely helped me ”, she says.
The most common is to consume CBD in oil, as a supplement to the diet. It is usually sold in a dropper and it is enough to put a few drops on the tongue, a couple of times a day - which is equivalent to between 10 and 20 milligrams, although this can vary depending on each manufacturer. The naturalness with which American citizens talk about cannabis is surprising. In a society where decorum and a certain degree of puritanism are so prevalent in everyday life, where you won't hear a single taco on TV and a nipple on the Super Bowl creates a national scandal, the cannabis boom is completely metabolized.
I bring up the subject to a group of parents, in the vicinity of a nursery school on the outskirts of Boston, with their children running around. I'm the only one who lowers my tone when I say the word marijuana. "It works wonders for me", "we give it to my mother in pills and she says it relaxes her", "they have opened a new store in the center ... go talk to them and they will surely help you". The conversation lasts several minutes, despite the unbearable cold - the thermometer has not gone below minus 15 degrees all week. They answer without filters and without shame, they do not care that the little ones listen to them. It wouldn't be the same if someone made a racy joke; that would provoke blushing, cryptic language, and stifled laughter.
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